Fighting to Raise the Minimum Wage in PA

Pennsylvania workers continue to be left behind as this state continues to have a minimum wage that keeps workers below
the poverty line,” Sen. Art Haywood said. “The time to increase the wage is now!”

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Tell Your Legislator to RAISE THE WAGE.


Haywood Spotlights Businesses that Raise the Wage

La Barberia

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Haywood Working to Raise the Wage

Haywood Calls for Raising the Minimum Wage

Haywood Calls for Raising the Minimum Wage

Stacy M. Brown | Tribune Harrisburg Correspondent

Raising the minimum wage in Pennsylvania would go a long way in the fight against poverty, particularly in Philadelphia where the poverty rate is the highest of any big city in the United States, state Sen. Art Haywood said Tuesday during a news conference at the Capitol Rotunda in Harrisburg.

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Raising minimum wage will cut poverty

Raising minimum wage will cut poverty

By Senator Art Haywood | The Philadelphia Tribune

I read the “Broke in Philly” feature in the Sunday Philadelphia Tribune. I agree that fair funding of Philadelphia schools is a priority for lawmakers. We are aware that about 275,000 adults in Philadelphia have incomes below the poverty level. About 136,000 hardworking Philadelphians work in poverty-pay jobs earning less than $10.10 per hour, according to the Keystone Research Center.

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A woman working full-time at minimum wage will earn $14,000 annually.

More than $4,000 BELOW the poverty line for a mother with two children.

Elected Officials, Fair Pay Activists to Urge Lawmakers to Raise the Wage