In the News

Pols promise Chew Ave. plans must change to move forward

Pols promise Chew Ave. plans must change to move forward

Stalled negotiations to develop the blighted lot at 6717 Chew Avenue, next to Pleasant Playground in East Mt. Airy, appear ready to re-start following a community meeting Jan. 18 where elected officials voiced support for neighbors, who have rejected initial plans to...

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Address racism on college campuses

Address racism on college campuses

Martin Luther King Jr. was right. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. When racial injustice appears and is allowed to fester on our college campuses, we believe that threat is particularly ominous. When Black students, who are often away from home...

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The majority who stole Christmas

The majority who stole Christmas

As we enter what should be a time of spiritual reflection of the year about to end, we are reminded of the failure of the majority in the General Assembly to help families across the commonwealth in 2020. In May, a bipartisan proposal to use the Commonwealth’s share...

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Winners and losers of the 2020 election

Winners and losers of the 2020 election

Now that the dust has settled, the results of the 2020 election are clear. High voter engagement and increased mail-in voting led to massive turnout nationwide. While record numbers of Pennsylvanians made their voices heard, their message was less clear. The results...

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$4 billion pandemic business relief plan gets backing

$4 billion pandemic business relief plan gets backing

WEST CHESTER— State Senator-Elect Carolyn Comitta joined more than a dozen state senators Friday in announcing a $4 billion pandemic relief plan to provide direct aid to workers, families, small businesses, the restaurant industry, and others that continue to struggle...

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Embattled state official fights to keep her job

Embattled state official fights to keep her job

Jennifer R. Storm, an out lesbian who has served as the state’s Victim Advocate for the past seven years, is battling to keep her job. Storm is believed to be the highest-ranking out lesbian in Pennsylvania state government. Storm, 45, oversees supportive services for...

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Jewish Community Webinars Tackle Hate, Racism

Jewish Community Webinars Tackle Hate, Racism

Charmaine Ijeoma thinks the United States needs a racial reckoning similar to the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions, the restorative justice bodies that helped South African society move forward in the aftermath of apartheid. “We need to talk about it because...

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Take The States: Change Starts at the Local Level

Take The States: Change Starts at the Local Level

Black Lives Matter protests erupted in the US and beyond following the cruel killing of George Floyd by police officers in Minneapolis. Weekly, and in some places daily, rallies and marches demand an end to police brutality and to systemic racism. And less than two...

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State arts council distributes $2.3 million to arts groups

Gov. Tom Wolf announced Monday that 309 nonprofit arts organizations will receive grants totaling $2.3 million to help with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The funds from the federal CARES Act support staff salaries, facilities costs and fees for artists or...

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Montco health, government leaders: ‘COVID-19 not over’

Montco health, government leaders: ‘COVID-19 not over’

Montgomery County could potentially see a coronavirus spike, especially since fewer residents in the county caught the virus and developed COVID-19, in comparison to Philadelphia and other densely-populated areas, health and government officials are warning. Once...

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Freedom Fighters March in Wilkes-Barre

Freedom Fighters March in Wilkes-Barre

WILKES-BARRE — Peaceful protests of police violence and brutality continued in Wilkes-Barre, as the 2020 Freedom Fighters held a march down Main Street to Public Square. A crowd of protesters and allies gathered at the old Volunteers of America thrift store on Main...

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Dozens march for Black Lives Matter in W-B

Dozens march for Black Lives Matter in W-B

Dozens of people converged at the Volunteers of America Family Thrift Store on Saturday afternoon for a rally and march in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Carrying banners saying, “No justice, No peace” and “Black Lives Matter,” a crowd of about 75 people...

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Voters must demand real police reforms

Voters must demand real police reforms

Democrat and Republican leaders are proposing police reform legislation in the aftermath of nationwide protests over the death of George Floyd and other killings of unarmed African Americans by police. Top Democrats vow that the House will pass the proposed Justice in...

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