En las noticias

Plan to reopen PA gets a closer look in the Senate

Plan to reopen PA gets a closer look in the Senate

The plan to reopen Pennsylvania is getting a closer look as members of the Senate met in a remote hearing Lunes that included testimony from multiple leaders including PA Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine.

The meeting follows Governor Tom Wolf’s announcement last week that 24 counties in the northwest and north-central regions of the state will transition out of the ‘red’ phase into the ‘yellow’ phase beginning at 12:01 a.m., Viernes, Mayo 8.

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PA House and Senate leaders advocate for worker’s rights

PA House and Senate leaders advocate for worker’s rights

Pennsylvania House and Senate leaders joined together for workers rights. In a virtual news conference Lunes morning, members discussed advocacy for paid sick leave, better workplace protections, and other efforts to help PA workers during the coronavirus pandemic....

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Callers discuss virus outbreak with Haywood, Evans

Callers discuss virus outbreak with Haywood, Evans

U.S. Rep. Dwight Evans and Dr. Scott Goldstein recently joined state Sen. Art Haywood for a digital town hall meeting to discuss the novel coronavirus. “Right now we are at a lull before the storm and hopefully we can keep everyone’s anxiety at a very low level,” said...

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Haywood gives legislative updates at breakfast

Haywood gives legislative updates at breakfast

State Sen. Art Haywood recently hosted a leadership breakfast at Arcadia College in Glenside to provide a legislative update on employment opportunities across the region. The meeting between various community organizations, elected officials, and civic and religious...

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La comunidad de Germantown se une para pedir un aumento salarial

La comunidad de Germantown se une para pedir un aumento salarial

La comunidad de Germantown se reunió el Día de Martin Luther King para seguir presionando al propietario de una franquicia de McDonald's en 29 E. Chelten Ave. para que haga frente a lo que los participantes denominaron injusticia salarial. El senador estatal Art Haywood, junto con el reverendo Kent Matthies,...

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Sen. Haywood wants to tackle injustices in 2020

Sen. Haywood wants to tackle injustices in 2020

State Sen. Art Haywood aims to focus on economic, environmental and social justice in the new political year. “My office will respond to the decades of injustice,” he told The Tribune. “Specifically on economic justice, we shall work to implement recommendations in...

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El senador Haywood y Power cantaron villancicos a McRaise the Wages

El senador Haywood y Power cantaron villancicos a McRaise the Wages

El senador estatal Art Haywood (D-Montgomery/Filadelfia) se unió a POWER para Carol en un evento McRaise fuera del McDonald's de Chelten Avenue. Se trataba de un esfuerzo para conseguir que el propietario Derek Giacomantonio aumente el salario de sus empleados a 15 dólares la hora.

"Volvimos a este McDonald's para compartir el mensaje de la temporada", dijo el senador Haywood. "Esperemos que nuestras canciones curen el corazón de Derek G y le permitan pagar a sus empleados un salario digno".

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Pa. El aumento del salario mínimo no se producirá hasta 2020

Pa. El aumento del salario mínimo no se producirá hasta 2020

Los ciudadanos de Pensilvania que esperan un aumento del salario mínimo estatal tendrán que esperar hasta 2020. Un proyecto de ley del Senado para aumentar el salario mínimo a 9,50 dólares por hora fue aprobado por el Senado en noviembre, pero el Comité de la Cámara donde se encuentra el proyecto de ley no lo sometió a votación. Eso...

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State Senate approves Polk measure

State Senate approves Polk measure

The Pennsylvania Senate approved a bill Lunes that seeks to put a moratorium on the planned closure of Polk and White Haven state centers until a series of steps are taken. Senate Bill 906 passed by a 40-9 margin and will now head to the state House for...

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Why 7 Pa. legislators ‘worked’ at a burrito shop Viernes

Why 7 Pa. legislators ‘worked’ at a burrito shop Viernes

A group of Pennsylvania Democratic legislators served chips and salsa at El Fuego, a burrito shop next to Washington Square Park Viernes to call attention to two efforts — on the state and federal level — to raise the minimum wage for the first time in almost 10 years,...

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Governor champions gun control measures

Governor champions gun control measures

HARRISBURG – Gov. Tom Wolf joined a group of lawmakers and gun control advocates Miércoles to call for renewed action on gun laws ahead of Gun Violence Awareness Day Viernes. “The time has come to end gun violence in Pennsylvania,” Wolf said. “We need to end mass...

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Wolf joins rally for gun violence awareness

Wolf joins rally for gun violence awareness

HARRISBURG, Pa. (WHTM) -- Gov. Tom Wolf joined lawmakers and activists at the state Capitol on Miércoles to commemorate Gun Violence Awareness Day. The governor last year signed Act 79, a law that forces domestic abusers to surrender their guns. It was the state's...

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Gun Violence Awareness Day rally held at State Capitol

Gun Violence Awareness Day rally held at State Capitol

Pennsylvania's top political leaders are calling for an end to gun violence, and at a rally Miércoles at the State Capitol for Gun Violence Awareness Day, Governor Tom Wolf said the state has more work to do. At the rally, Representative Movita Johnson-Harrell...

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Lawmakers push for more solar energy use by 2030

Lawmakers push for more solar energy use by 2030

Pennsylvania used to be a leader in bringing renewable energy to the state’s power grid, but lawmakers said Miércoles the commonwealth is “lagging behind” its neighbors now. A bipartisan effort to increase renewable energy use in Pennsylvania to 30 percent by 2030...

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Harrisburg protest calls for new gun-control law

Harrisburg protest calls for new gun-control law

As a piece of domestic violence legislation that removes guns from those under a protection from abuse order becomes law today, that bill’s champion – state Sen. Tom Killion, R-9 of Middletown – is setting his sights on further restrictions against those who might use...

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