En las noticias

Chester County, state accelerate vaccine strategy

Chester County, state accelerate vaccine strategy

WEST CHESTER — Pennsylvania officials announced Miércoles the state is accelerating vaccine strategy to target industry workers, just as the number of those testing positive for coronavirus continues to climb in Chester County. Last week, 603 people tested positive...

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Lawmakers: Vaccine task force ‘highly productive’

Lawmakers: Vaccine task force ‘highly productive’

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered plenty of party-based antagonism in state government, but a bipartisan Vaccine Task Force is working together amicably, officials said. “Coming into the task force, I had no clue,” said Rep. Tim O’Neal, R-Washington. “I didn’t know...

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PA Aims To Set All Phase 1A Appointments By End Of Month

PA Aims To Set All Phase 1A Appointments By End Of Month

Pennsylvania residents who are currently eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine will get their appointments scheduled by the end of Marzo, Gov. Tom Wolf and members of the state’ COVID-19 task force said Viernes, as they also announced targeted initiatives to vaccinate such...

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With gun violence on the rise, one mom fights back

With gun violence on the rise, one mom fights back

In Enero 2015, Alex Rojas Garcia, a student at Temple University, was shot 15 times and left for dead on a cold and lonely street in Philadelphia. In the six years since, his mother, Aleida Garcia, has taken her tragedy and turned it into fuel for a crusade to fight...

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Wolf Announces Use of J&J Vaccine for Teachers

As part of the priority to safely and quickly get more students back in the classroom, Gov. Tom Wolf and the COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force on Marzo 3 announced that Pennsylvania will use the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) single-dose COVID-19 vaccine for PreK-12 teachers...

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NW Philly coalition advocates for more local vaccinations

NW Philly coalition advocates for more local vaccinations

Elected officials, community organizations and health care providers spoke out about the need for the COVID-19 vaccine in Black and brown communities at a news conference at a West Oak Lane Rite Aid on Viernes. More than a dozen officials said Black people should not...

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Wolf’s vaccine task force making progress, lawmakers say

Wolf’s vaccine task force making progress, lawmakers say

Pennsylvania's new COVID-19 vaccine task force has been meeting for less than two weeks, but legislative members say the group is already making strides to improve the state's struggling vaccination program. Republican state Sen. Ryan Aument of Lancaster, one of four...

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Hill co-founder’s group helped defeat Trump in PA

Hill co-founder’s group helped defeat Trump in PA

A great many people in Northwest Philadelphia and the adjacent suburbs were undoubtedly delighted over the Biden/Harris victory in Pennsylvania in Noviembre, but I doubt if anyone was more exhilarated than Andrea Koplove. That's because Koplove, 45, a Chestnut Hill...

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