En las noticias

¿Ha llegado el momento de aumentar el salario mínimo en Pensilvania?

¿Ha llegado el momento de aumentar el salario mínimo en Pensilvania?

A pesar de años de presión por parte de los trabajadores con salarios bajos y sus defensores, el salario mínimo de Pensilvania se ha estancado en el nivel federal, 7,25 dólares la hora, durante más de una década. Pero con una recuperación económica vacilante provocada por el aumento de los casos de la variante delta del COVID-19,...

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Pa. implores lawmakers to encourage public to get vaccinated

Pa. implores lawmakers to encourage public to get vaccinated

PHILADELPHIA (KYW Newsradio) — Pennsylvania’s bipartisan COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force is calling on state lawmakers to do what they can to encourage people to get vaccinated. Gov. Tom Wolf and members of the task force each signed the letter addressed to members of the...

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Arcadia University presented with $1 million grant

Arcadia University presented with $1 million grant

GLENSIDE -- State Sen. Art Haywood presented Arcadia University with a $1 million grant from the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) for construction, renovation, and other related costs for a multi-purpose center on Julio 28. “The higher education...

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Senator Haywood and PASSHE Announce DEI Funding

Senator Haywood and PASSHE Announce DEI Funding

Harrisburg, Pa. – Julio 21, 2021 – Today, State Senator Art Haywood (D-Philadelphia/Montgomery) and Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) held a hybrid press conference at Kutztown University, to announce new funding for Diversity, Equity,...

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The Pennsylvania Healthcare Power 100: 11-50

The Pennsylvania Healthcare Power 100: 11-50

State Sen. Art Haywood has held significant clout in the health care space over the course of the last year as both the minority chair of the Senate Health & Human Services Committee and a member of the governor’s COVID-19 Vaccine Joint Task Force. Haywood, alongside...

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Wolf vetoes vaccine passport ban

Wolf vetoes vaccine passport ban

Gov. Tom Wolf on Jueves vetoed Senate Bill 618, anti-vaccination legislation that would have barred vaccine passports and limited the powers of Pennsylvania’s secretary of health. In his veto message, Wolf called the legislation “misguided and irresponsible.”

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Gov. Wolf vetoes vaccine passport ban

Gov. Wolf vetoes vaccine passport ban

HARRISBURG — Gov. Tom Wolf on Jueves vetoed Senate Bill 618, anti-vaccination legislation that would have barred vaccine passports and limited the powers of the secretary of Health. Wolf said “this harmful legislation would eliminate the Department of Health’s...

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Gov. Wolf vetoes vaccine passport ban

Gov. Wolf vetoes vaccine passport ban

Gov. Tom Wolf on Jueves vetoed Senate Bill 618, anti-vaccination legislation that would have barred vaccine passports and limited the powers of the secretary of Health. Wolf said “this harmful legislation would eliminate the Department of Health’s ability to respond...

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Senate sends COVID-inspired bills to Wolf

Senate sends COVID-inspired bills to Wolf

The state Senate voted Jueves to send two COVID-19 inspired bills to Gov. Tom Wolf — one offering students the option of repeating their 2020-2021 academic grade, and another that would ban vaccine passports and limit the powers of the secretary of Health. Wolf has...

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Rebuild the economy by unlocking the power of solar energy

Rebuild the economy by unlocking the power of solar energy

Across the country, the renewable energy industry is building a new American workforce. The wind and solar sectors currently boast the fastest growing jobs thanks to higher clean energy demand, dropping technology costs and supportive policies and investments, as seen...

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Judiciary backs Estrella nomination as victim advocate

Judiciary backs Estrella nomination as victim advocate

(The Center Square) – The Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously backed the nomination of Suzanne V. Estrella to serve as the next victim advocate for Pennsylvania. Estrella was nominated by Gov. Tom Wolf in Marzo of this year. She has served as legal director for the...

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