Embrace Everyone



Dignity in Diversity

Embrassing Every Person

Enough is Enough

Imagine being a college freshman away from home at college. It is an incredibly emotional time. Then image what it feels like to see your stuffed Teddy Bear taken from your dorm room and lynched in a public display of hate. This is a real story I heard from a student while touring state universities. Enough is Enough. It is time to end campus racism.

The ENOUGH Report

This report details the traumatic experiences of campus hate and harassment on PA State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) campuses and responses from campus administrations.  The report also lists concrete actions to address the attacks on dignity of students. All students on all campuses should be in an environment conducive to learning and free from discrimination. While the report focuses on PASSHE these concerns have been raised at Penn State and private colleges in Pennsylvania.  The time for change is now. We’ve had ENOUGH.

New American Majority

America is become more diverse; racial, socially, and across many identity markers. We must embrace this diversity to prepare the next generation of leaders.

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Haywood Embracing Every Person

Will Black voters again allow Trump to be elected?

Will Black voters again allow Trump to be elected?

By Sen. Art Haywood

After winning in November 2016, Trump thanked Black voters for staying at home.

“We did great with the African American community…They didn’t come out to vote for Hillary. They didn’t come out,” he said. “And that was big— so thank you to the African American community.”

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The true fight for police reform is in statehouses across the U.S.

The true fight for police reform is in statehouses across the U.S.

By Sen. Art Haywood

Black Lives Matter protests erupted in the US and beyond following the cruel killing of George Floyd by police officers in Minneapolis. Weekly, and in some places daily, rallies and marches demand an end to police brutality and to systemic racism.

And less than two months later, at least 13 states have passed legislation to curtail police brutality.

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Changing the rules to combat racism

Changing the rules to combat racism

By Sen. Art Haywood

Nationwide, Americans continue to staunchly protest systemic racism. The country has not seen action like this since the Civil Rights and Black Power movements of the 1960s. Sixty years later, the demands for action by the people remain loud and clear.

Much like the rules of a game, rules put in place by those in power cause Black people to lose in destructive ways.

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