Harrisburg, Pa. – December 15, 2021 – Today, State Senator Art Haywood (D-Montgomery/Philadelphia) released the following statement after his vote in support of Senate Bill 913, bipartisan legislation designed to reform Pennsylvania’s probation system:
“This legislation is a significant improvement on the current system, which is one of the worst probation systems in the country. The bill is not perfect. This legislation has some flaws, but it is better than what we have today. This bill ensures the following:
- Stops the court from revoking probation due to an individual’s inability to pay court fees.
- Stops the court from incarcerating an individual for technical violations.
- Allows individuals to reduce time by earning a certificate/degree or fulfilling work hours.
- Guarantees a review conference for individuals on probation within two years of the effective date of the bill.
Across the Commonwealth, over 300,000 individuals are on long term probation. This legislation will reduce the number of Pennsylvanians on probation. I look forward to this bill going to the House of Representatives for further negotiated improvements before we pass it in Pennsylvania.”