Citation Request

My office is happy to send Senate Citations to constituents who are interested in receiving acknowledgement for accomplishments, recent awards, and special occasions.

Senate Citations are requested for constituents or organizations who have reached a significant personal or professional milestone. Also, citations can be requested for Girl and Boy Scouts who will be awarded with the Gold Award or Eagle Scout designation.

If you would like to obtain a congratulatory, retirement, anniversary, condolence, or birthday citation from my office, please use the form below.

You may also contact my office. Please have the following information available when you contact my office:

  • Name of the person or organization being recognized
  • Mailing address where the letter should be sent
  • Reason for citation, i.e., birthday, anniversary, scout or team recognition
  • Date of event
  • Deadline for the request
  • Contact name and phone number

Please provide a minimum of 3 weeks notification prior to the deadline for your request.

Please note the following circumstances for which a citation CANNOT be issued:

Annual conferences, dinners or events held by organizations where no one is honored, donations, including financial or materials, educational degrees or graduations, foreign cities, grand openings or dedications, individuals not affiliated with Pennsylvania, pastor installations, scholarships, campaign-related activities, honoring individuals for campaign-related service, promotions or elevations of individuals in public or private organizations (including recognition as an organization’s member of the year), and reunions.

Citation Request Form

2024 Citations Request

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

Contact Person Information

Are you requesting Senator Dillon's presence at the event to present the citation?