Whether Black, Brown, or White, rich or poor, rural or urban, and however you identify, we all have dignity. Whether viewed as a God-given worth or as a human right, we have inherent, intrinsic value. In its preamble, the UN Declaration on Human Rights asserts that “recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in the world.” The UN Declaration for Human Rights is predicated on the protection of human dignity. Dignity is the source of all human rights.

We all deserve to live in a society that recognizes our dignity. We deserve a society that affirms the inherent dignity and worth of every individual, recognizing that each person deserves respect and compassion. We must reject discrimination, bias, and injustice in all forms, striving to create a culture of inclusion that promotes the well-being of all.

Nevertheless, we continue to experience deep indignities in our lives and throughout our history. Terrible dignity violations with genocides have occurred in our history.  Today in the U.S., hardworking people are paid poverty wages as little as $7.25 per hour. Shootings kill and injure neighbors. Women suffer from continued sexual harassment. Children consume lead through drinking water at their schools. Floods ravage communities that are least capable of protecting themselves. These are some of the many indignities we face that deny our value. In fact, some CEOs and politicians have gained and maintained profit and power by denying the dignity of others.

Despite opposition, we can – and must – respond to the many systemic and individual indignities we face. To fight discrimination and exclusion, we must insist on representation. To fight low pay, we must advocate for fair working conditions. To fight violence in our neighborhoods, we must organize for peace. To fight sexual harassment, we must challenge misogyny. To fight lead in our schools, we must demand clean water. To fight climate change, we must heal the Earth. Whatever the indignity that we face, we can and must respond to break the cycles of oppression that damage our bodies, minds, and spirits.

We are not alone. Organizations and individuals are fighting for dignity every day. Over 170 nations protect dignity in their constitutions. At home and worldwide, people are standing up to demand that they be treated with dignity. Nelson Mandela said, “No power on this earth can destroy the thirst for human dignity.”

Work daily to protect your dignity and that of others. Join me.



Sign on in support of a Dignity Amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution